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design process

"Design an assistive auditory system, with each feature designed to eradicate an issue associated with the routine use of hearing aids. The product system must build on existing hearing aids and auditory technologies with a strong focus on encouraging habitual use and empowering users."

Masters Major Project, 16 Weeks

Project Focus: Entire Design Cycle, User Centric Research, Ideation, CAD, Rapid Prototyping, Rendering, Engineering Drawings, Manufacture Costing, Presentation. 

Currently, there is a lack of engagement from those who are hard of hearing and their assistive hearing technology. After research into the cause, the following issues were highlighted:

  • They aren’t comfortable

  • Hearing aids don’t meet sound expectations

  • Background noise is often too loud

  • Hearing aids can get dust and bacteria locked inside

The full research report and design brief can be found here:​

  • Power Shortages.

  • Resistance to new technologies.

  • Forgotten Hearing Aids.

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